

March 2008

  • Presentation by Mark Davis on the Linux based TiVo HD. Review, comparisons, Linux tools for importing and exporting video and programs (such as tivodecode, galleon, and pytivo).
  • Matthew Fillpot gave a presentation on the Enlightenment 17 window manager and how it compares to others, such as KDE, Gnome, Fluxbox, XFCE, etc.
  • Joel Kirch handed out Backtrack beta 3 and showed the many security tools that are built into the live CD distro.

The meeting WAS audio recorded (the slightly edited version is posted to server 2 in the audio section). Some discs were available. Mark introduced our new six page tri-fold Tri-Fold flier. Andreas Kulbe gave away a monster external SCSI box.

Attendance: 22 members, +1 new, +1 returning, +0 visitors = 24 attendees, minimum (Pretty sure there were several that didn't sign in).

Membership: 101 members +1 new member (Ward) +1 returning member (Falenski) -4 expired members (R.Johnson, Lacivita, C.Peters, Skipper)= 99 TWUUG members.