

  • Mark Davis gave presentations on:
    • An update on the RHEL server installation: the apparent extreme speed of OpenOffice/Firefox and other apps to load, a demo of how much faster Firefox now loads compared to Opera, the news that it really is possible to compile OpenOffice (and how major bugs still exist in it and Libre Office), and a quick look at Thunar the Xfce-centric file manager chosen for LTTCH.
    • An introduction to Meld, a fantastic, GUI "diff"-like file comparer and editor that is fast, multiplatform, and very easy to use.
    • And a bonus rant about how developers sometimes tend to be totally out of touch with user needs :)
  • Matthew Fillpot gave a presentation on git, a distributed software control system designed by Linus Torvalds originally just to manage the Linux kernel but now used for many projects. Tools include web sites, CLU interfaces, and even an X11 GUI.

Attendance: 17 members + 0 new + 0 returning + 3 visitors = 20 attendees, minimum.

Membership: 67 members + 0 new members + 0 returning members - 3 expired (Kerwin, McKinley, Thomas)= 64 TWUUG members.